Date and Time Wednesday, May 29, 2019 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM MDT
Location LCA Office (1705 – 36 Street North, Lethbridge, AB)
Description: Statutory Declaration Lunch & Learn Seminar
Do you know how to fill out a Statutory Declaration? Wonder why you have to fill out another one if you haven’t been paid for the last one? The LCA is pleased to host a Statutory Declarations Information Session presented by Stringam LLP. This Lunch & Learn seminar will help you understand what it is you are signing, why they are required, make sure you are using the most current forms, clarify when you need them and what to do if you are required to complete another one when you are still waiting on payment from the last one. We will provide answers to these common questions and provide clarity on this often murky issue. If you have questions or specific examples of past issues, please forward them to the LCA and we will be sure to address it at the session!
Michael Jones, Lawyer with Stringam LLP
LCA Members: $25 (+GST) | Non-Members: $35 (+GST)